Total Uninstall v5.10.1.1411

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Total Uninstall - Uninstall any program with the most advanced uninstaller software.

Total Uninstall accurate analyzes installed programs to uninstall them completely.

With "Installed Programs" module Total Uninstall analyze the installed program and create the installation log. This is used to do a complete uninstall even without the help of the provided standard uninstaller from Add Remove Programs.

Total Uninstall is a Windows uninstaller that can monitor new installations.

With "Monitored Programs" module it helps to monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new program. It allows you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied Add Remove program, which can leave files or changes behind.


Homepage : -

Release history
- Accurate progress for restore process.
- Restore process can be canceled without delay.
- Can backup and restore programs bigger than 4GB.
- Several interface translations are updated.
- Main form can be resized to a smaller size.
- Extra safety checks in the program analyzer.
Total Uninstall v5.10.1.1411 RePack include loader with serial

- Several translations updated
- Short application closing time.
- Improvements in the installation analyzer.
- Improvement in the Installed programs list.
Total Uninstall v5.10.0 installation by ADMIN_crack

* jangan lupa set updates ke manual, setelah selesai register!!!

Ini salah satu uninstaller favorit gw ...

Klo berguna boleh di rate atau traktir

Total Uninstall 5.9.3:

RB installation instructions:

1. Install the program in usual mode but don`t run it yet
2. Boot in safe mode, run the program and close it.
3. Delete these files in the folder C:\ProgramData\Martau\Total Uninstall 5 :
Program Options.bkp
Program Options.dat
Updates.xml (if present)
4. Copy new configuration files from folder configuration files 5.9.3
Program Options.bkp
Program Options.dat
to path C:\ProgramData\Martau\Total Uninstall 5
5. Run the program and register it, then restart the program again
IMPORTANT: set updates to manual, then quit the program and just block it (Tu.exe) with a firewall

Lokasi Program Options dan updates.xml:

For Vista and higher - ProgramData\Martau\Total Uninstall 5\

For XP - Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Martau\Total Uninstall 5\

Total Uninstall Setup v5.9.3 RU-Board version (Easy Install!!)


Total Uninstall Setup v5.9.2 RU-Board version:


1 comment

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